
Product Requirements Document (PRD)

Prepared by: Lee Nau ( -


Global - Site and Course Internationalization


Status currently offers non-English content only on, a company Lynda acquired in 2013.



With an increasing amount of traffic from outside the United States, using languages other than English, now has an opportunity to expand offerings for customers in foreign markets. With LinkedIn's 200 million foreign users, is in a unique position to lead the online education industry.


The current product includes verbatim course transcripts and closed captioning based on the transcripts, which can be toggled on. The closed caption subtitles are available to support people with hearing difficulties or people with English fluency challenges.


Metrics does not currently offer the user experience in languages other than English, nor do they offer the course transcripts in any other languages. Therefore, the current user base is zero.

Using the 28% LinkedIn Growth rate as a benchmark (and similar numbers were reported for in 2013, a target growth rate of 20% YOY with 25% in foreign markets could add $1M/year to the revenue numbers. More aggressive marketing in foreign markets could drive the number up with minimal impact to engineering.


Projected Phases

  1. Provide subtitles in target languages for target regions (Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean for APAC; French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian for EMEA; French, Spanish, and Portuguese for Americas) for the 20 most-demanded courses in each language, using Smartling or similar vendor.
  2. Build foreign language user experience, targeted at desktop and mobile users per language, using Smartling or similar solution.
  3. Coordinate with finance and engineering teams to ensure that foreign language users in target markets have an option to pay for their subscription in their currency.
  4. Begin producing language-specific foreign language content and documentation for use in those markets.

Success Metrics

Measuring success with initially involve benchmarking adoption, engagement, and completion rates for foreign-subtitled courses against current per-country completion rates for the courses as they are before this project.

For each target market:

Overall success metrics:


In Scope

Out of Scope


  1. 20 Initial Courses for each Target Language
  2. Course subtitling.
  3. Video subtitle control toggle.
  4. User profile prefered language setting.

Messaging ideas per requirements above.

  1. Course ad messaging examples:
  2. Course subtitling.


Landing Page

This landing page features much of the content on the existing landing page with a callout for German subtitles.

Sign Up

Clicking Kostenlose Registrierung takes the customer to a sign up page that features a price in the local currency (if available, otherwise US Dollars) and form fields in the local language.

Profile with Language Preference

From the sign up, the customer can edit their profile and preferences, including changing the language preference, as shown here. Note that the entire user interface is in the local language.

Course (Photography 101)

An example of a course with controls and user interface elements in another language (German, in this example), allows the customer to initiate a course or video with the controls.

Course Control Details (Photography 101)

The customer has started the course here. Note the subtitling on the video in German in blue at the bottom of the video panel, with a selector dropdown for "Deutsch" in the video controls. Chapter titles below are in German and the Transcript automatically advances as the video plays, the way it currently works in English.

Timeline & Release Planning

Phase 0: Validation

  1. Identify most requested/started languages for users whose primary computing environment is in Spanish, whether located in the United States or other Spanish-speaking countries.
  2. Translate subtitles for top 20 courses, aggregated across all markets.
  3. Collect metrics and check engagement: caption switch clicks, course chapter completion, course completion, course dropout rate.

Phases 1 - 4: Stepped Phases

  1. For each language, identify key targets for marketing campaigns.
  2. Translate subtitles for top 20 courses in each language.
  3. Adjust based on metrics from A/B tests, customer interviews, and surveys.

Release Phases

  1. Announcements on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter in target languages for target market, including sponsoring posts in target countries.
  2. Create landing pages for each target language/market combination to rank on relevant search engines and drive Call-to-Action clicks through to localized sign up flow (i.e.: ).
  3. Craft HTML email campaign material to advice endusers with language preferences selected about newly translated subtitled (or, later, voice) courses.

Rollout and A/B Testing

  1. Drive 10% search engine cohort to multiple landing pages to test language for conversion potential.
  2. Test new UI components on videos and profile pages to ensure comprehensibility, both in language and user interface.
  3. Gradually increase cohort over three months, rolling in landing experience to international users.


  1. Identify target markets per language per phase.
  2. Identify 20 most sought-after courses per market.
  3. Translate each of the 20 most sought-after languages.
  4. Roll new translations into courses as togglable subtitle option in each targeted course.
  5. A/B test placement of UI language toggle widget for each course.
  6. Build landing pages and marketing material.
  7. Test audience engagement with Optimizely.
  8. Open subtitle toggle option to all customers globally for each language.
  9. Introduce messaging on social media platforms, on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  10. Repeat 2 - 4 with next 20, 50, 100 courses, if possible.